Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Civil and public law summary

Civil law concerns disputes among citizens within a country and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state or between one state and another.
The main difference between civil and criminal procedures is that sometimes a private citizen can bring a criminal prosecution against another citizen, but criminal actions are mostly started by the state. Civil action is usually started by individuals.
The party bringing a crimanl action (that is, in most cases, the state) is called the prosecution, but the party bringing a civil action is the palintiff. In both kinds of action the other party is known as the defendant.
Although there are many point of contact between criminal and civil law. If the loser of civil case refuses to comply with the order made against him, for example to pay money to the winner for the action, the procedures for forcing him to comply may result in a criminal proscution.


neherojus said...

Milda's summary is interesting and readily comprehensible.I also like it because Milda isn't afraid of expressing her own ideas.Good job!

kicia said...

I think that yuor summery is short and breathtaking, as is should be. good luck in yuor future publications :)

ladybutterfly said...

i found your summary very good! :) it is easy to understand, short and clear. i found to errors. job is excellent! :)))

simuonyte said...

I liked your summery. It was easy to read and understand. Thank you ;)) Here I found the ABC rule, do you know it? :))